Own conception vs. foreign: client, moving around database scheme

This article proposes other possible decision of problems, formulated in previous work. We recall, that speach goes about refusal to customize a complex foreign application. In this paper for this refusal, author proposes fast way to fill database by special client, written once and forever for all database schemes. Idea consists of:

It is possible to edit records in client, to add new records, to remove records [4]. And pressing botton "Choice" on some record after relay-race transition returns to displaing previous table and copying primary key of chosen record into referring field of previous record. Such approach allows do without programmer at all - user simply travels on database, in which nothing is programmed [5]. For convenience of user: Table can be displayed by one of three ways: with substituting value from other table instead of referring field into body or into header of table, and at presence of reference from table to itself - with demonstrating table as table or as tree (way is specified in a system table [7]).

Whole period of work of program-client is one long transaction. At exit from program, it will ask to commit or to rollback changes, made during its work. Besides this, each screen of program is savepoint of DBMS: pressing button "Back", user not only comes back to previous screen, but also rollback all changes, made in last screen [8]. Also for his convenience, it is desirable for program-client:

User will create a database scheme faster, than he will adjust a foreign software. And programming is unnecessary at all to fill scheme.


Invisibility of some records for operator SELECT is reached by introducing field of enumerable (integer) datatype and is stated in detail in part "Right for each record" of separate presentation [9]. Invisibility of some columns of table for operator SELECT is reached by expression like "REVOKE select ON TABLE tab/@fld TO username".

All proposals are public domain.

[1] Table is displayed with scrolling, column of primary key is not shown. Table, displayed just after loading of program-client, is specified in a system table of DBMS - client reads its name from system table, and requests exactly it

[2] Term obtains own origin from slide #8 of presentation

[3] Term obtains own origin from slide #7 of presentation

[4] Thus program-client should have buttons "Add" and "Del" in own menu

[5] Field of view A refers to the same column of certain table C, to which field of table B, entered into view, refers

[6] Slide #45 of presentation tells details about necessary SQL-construction

select * from ... order by ... downward ... ;

[7] Way to display is specified for each table in system table of DBMS. If table should be represented as tree, it has several fields, refering to itself, than field, which should be used to construct tree, is specified in system table too

[8] Program-client puts savepoints in DBMS before transition to each next screen. Button "Choice" does not rollback transaction, i.e. does not rollback changes, made in screen (both made at once, and made after pressing button "All")

[9] Slides # 161-163

Dmitry Turin

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